At Dimension Dentistry, we accept all insurance policies. We understand that dental insurance & finances can be a very complex subject. We will work together with you so that you fully understand the coverage and requirements of your insurance plan. While it is impossible for us to know every detail, limit, or exclusion involved in all the plans we deal with, we endeavor to assist you in navigating your insurance coverage the very best we can. To guarantee accuracy when dealing with your insurance company, we ask that you bring your dental insurance information to your first appointment. Remember that dental insurance is intended to cover some, but not all, of the costs associated with your dental care. Reimbursement amounts are not and never have been a guideline for quality care. It is ultimately your responsibility to provide us with up-to-date insurance information.
We are pleased to offer direct billing. That means we can submit a claim to your Insurance Company and only bill you for the portion not covered by Insurance. We ask for a valid credit card number to be kept on file so that any portion not covered by insurance can be charged directly to your credit card. Should you have any questions about dental insurance & finances, please do not hesitate to contact us at (403) 256-8888.